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Q: I can’t attend but would like see some of the presentations… will I be able to watch remotely?


A: Yes! We are planning to bring the forum to you via Facebook Live on our page! We will also be video recording the presentations so we can upload them and post those videos on our website. More details to come!



Q: I have children. May I bring them to this event?


A: Unfortunately, due to the insurance policy, specifically policies regarding liability, of the college where our event is taking place, we are not able to allow children under the age of 16 on campus at our event.



Q: Can I pay at the door on June 10th?


A: Yes, you may! The cost of registration will be $20, however we will not be able to take any lunch orders for you that day. You will have to make your own lunch plans – either brown bag it, or go to a nearby restaurant for your lunch.



Q: When is the deadline for lunch orders?


A: We will take orders for lunch up until June 1st. Lunches will be ordered from Homemades by Suzanne, a local deli. When you place your order, we will be in touch with you regarding your specific order and then will have it delivered the day of the VDLA Forum.



Q: I’m hearing, but would like to attend learn more about the issues that the Virginia Deaf Community faces. Can I still come to this event?


A: Yes, you are welcome to attend and learn. The Deaf community needs allies and that means people who are aware of the various issues and will join us and advocate in these issues along with us. Please keep in mind that the VDLA Forum is an ASL environment and we are expecting all attendees to use ASL or sign language to the best of their abilities. While not everyone will be a fluent signer, we feel that the ASL-only environment promotes respect of the Deaf community and respect of our primary language. Using ASL, a visual language, removes communication barriers that we face in our everyday lives. This forum is FOR and BY Deaf people, is a designated Deaf space, thus ASL is official language of the forum. For the presentations themselves, we are happy to provide ASL-English Interpretation through a one-way FM system (to preserve the integrity of the ASL-only environment) for people who are not ASL-fluent and who request those communications accommodations in advance of the conference.


Q: I need to request communication accommodations. I’m either hearing with little or no conversational skills in ASL or I’m DeafBlind or Deaf and need close vision interpreting. How do I go about making the request for interpreting?


A: Contact us at as soon as you can to make the request. Help us plan ahead and make those arrangements for you! The more in advanced you notify us, the better!   

Q: This event looks AMAZING and I want to either help sponsor it or donate funds to help pay for this event. How can I do that?

A: Thank you!! And contact us!! Email us at and we will discuss how you can support this important event!


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